The purchase of travel products and services from Viva Vacation Vacances Inc. (Viva) and its travel agents constitutes an agreement between you, the client, and us the travel agency. Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions prior to signing the mandatory New/Returning Client Agreement, Authorization and Waiver Form forwarded to you by your travel agent.


“Supplier” means an independent third-party travel provider such as air line, cruise line, resort, tour operator, hotel chain, car rental company, rail company, activity and excursion operator and any other type of travel related product or services.

“Travel products and services” means travel products and services purchased by the client from third-party suppliers.

“Client” means you the traveller, as well as any other traveller on the same booking number. The purchasing client must be at least 18 years of age and must have a valid credit card to pay for travel.

“Travel agent” means a travel advisor working as an independent contractor on behalf of Viva.

General Responsibilities of Viva Vacation Vacances Inc.

  • Viva consults and discusses travel goals, plans and budget with client.
  • Viva provides researched options based on client goals and makes recommendations.
  • Viva books and makes payments to suppliers on behalf of client, once client has made decision and authorizes purchase.
  • Viva provides booking-related documents to client.
  • Viva protects the personal information of clients and does not share it with anyone except the supplier for the purpose of booking.

General Responsibilities of the Client

  • Client diligently makes their decision on the recommended product or service.
  • Client provides accurate information for all individuals on their booking.
  • Client obtains all required travel documents prior to their trip.
  • Client promptly responds to requests for documents, authorizations and signatures to ensure travel products can be purchased as planned and for best price.
  • Client advises travel agent of any disability or special needs, including allergies.
  • Client promptly advises travel agent of issues affecting their travel plans.
  • Client agrees to adhere to the payment and penalty schedule of the supplier.

Our Services

As a small business, Viva Vacation Vacances Inc prides itself with providing personalized, friendly and local service. We hope this leads to amazing travel experience and memories for clients. However, our agents are not available 24/7 for clients and as such, there are certain products and services we do not offer.

Products and services we offer

  • Recommending and booking of cruises (no extra cost to client)
  • Recommending and booking of all inclusive resort packages (no extra cost to client)
  • Recommending and booking of packaged travel such as tours (no extra cost to client)
  • Recommending and booking of hotels (no extra cost to client)
  • Recommending and booking of excursions (no extra cost to the client)
  • Recommending and booking of certain flights when packaged (at an additional cost to the client)
  • Designing customized travel plans (at an additional cost to client)
  • Referring to our travel insurance provider

Products or services we do not offer

  • Booking flights only
  • Direct sale of travel insurance
  • In destination support (we will provide you with the tools to navigate challenges you encounter)
  • Submitting claims on your behalf (insurance, airlines

Prices, Booking and Payments

Prices quoted in a proposal are not guaranteed until the time of booking. Prices fluctuate continually with suppliers and are based on availability and demand. The travel agent will advise client should the price have changed between the proposal and the deposit date.

The travel agent will inform the client of the currency they are being quoted.

A booking is not considered complete until a deposit has been made to the supplier and a booking confirmation has been provided to you. There are some exceptions such as a hotel paid at check-out by client.

Client is responsible to provide accurate personal information to their travel agent at time of booking. The name on the individual passports must match EXACTLY the name on the booking reservation. Client is also responsible to ensure that errors have not been made on their booking reservation and should have the travel agent rectify it as soon as discovered. If the error was made by the agent, the cost of making the change, if applicable, will be covered by the agent if reported within 48 hours. If the error was made by the client, the cost of making the change, if applicable, will be covered by the client.

Client is responsible for providing information about disabilities and special needs to ensure they can be accommodated at the time of booking. Client is also responsible for understanding the laws and possible challenges of travelling with a disability. Client with special needs or disabilities should consult their physician prior to booking.

Pregnant client must disclose their due date to the travel agent as some suppliers will not allow travel after a certain number of weeks in the pregnancy.

Viva will only accept credit card payment for travel products and services. The client authorizes Viva and/or its agents to charge their credit card and to pay for their travel bookings with suppliers. By consenting to pay, client agrees to the terms and conditions of the supplier, including penalties and fees related to cancellation and changes.

If payments are not received by the supplier due date, the booking may be cancelled by the supplier, which may result in client losing any previous payments which is at the discretion of the supplier. Viva is not responsible for penalties or cancellations due to late or non-payments by client.

Viva is not responsible for any supplier fare increases, if/when applicable, such as fuel surcharges with airlines and cruise lines.

Service Fees

Viva charges services fees for customized non-packaged travel. If this applies, it will be discussed with client during the consultation. Service fees must be paid as per the agreed upon schedule and are non-refundable.


Suppliers operate under their own terms and conditions. By paying the supplier, you consent to their terms and conditions. Client is responsible to read supplier terms and conditions carefully.

Viva makes every effort possible to research its suppliers and to recommend reputable suppliers.

Viva and its agents act as an intermediary between you and the supplier. Viva does not have any control on the delivery of services and the operations of suppliers. Consequently, Viva is not responsible for products and services (or lack thereof) of suppliers, including default, negligence, damages, bankruptcy, delays, cancellations, loss of goods, sickness, injury, accidents, quality of service, inconveniences, lack of satisfaction or enjoyment, acts of Gods, and anything out of the control of Viva.

Air Travel

Client is responsible to complete their online check-in, verify flight times prior to departure and confirm there are no scheduled changes or cancellations by the airline. Viva highly encourages client to register for flight notification either by text, email or app. In the event of cancellation or change in schedule, Viva is not responsible for missed holiday time, loss of wages or any other additional charges incurred by the client.

Air tickets are non-refundable, unless otherwise specified. Most airlines consider a change of name to be a cancellation. Clients must ensure the name on the ticket matches EXACTLY the name on their passport for travel outside of Canada or their travel identification such as their driver&aposs license if travel within Canada only.

Viva cannot guarantee seats on flights, even on the same booking. Seat assignments, if not pre-purchased, will be assigned to individuals during online check-in 24 hours prior to the flight. If seating is a concern for the client, especially when travelling with children, we recommend that client pre-purchase seats for their flight to increase chances of getting the seat they want or to be seated with their travelling companions. Airlines can change seat assignment at any time, even those pre-purchased. Viva is not responsible for any changes made by the airline.

Client is responsible to ensure they understand and comply with the baggage allowance for their flight. Additional fees may apply for failure to comply.

Viva is not responsible for airlines cancelling, delaying, or re-scheduling flights but may make suggestions to clients on how to deal with these.

Resorts, Hotels and Cruises

Unless specified in the booking, any special requests made by the client cannot be guaranteed by Viva and are at the sole discretion of the supplier. These include, but are not limited to, bed type, room location, upgrades, reservations for excursions or restaurants, etc.

Viva is not responsible for anything outside its control such as missing amenities, noise, cleanliness, loss of enjoyment, weather related issues, delays, etc.

Client is responsible for check-in for cruises unless otherwise agreed to with travel agent.

Travel Insurance

Viva strongly recommends that client purchase travel insurance to protect their travel investment. This includes not only medical insurance but also trip interruption and trip cancelation insurance.

Viva does not sell travel insurance but can recommend suppliers who provide this service. Client is fully responsible to read and understand what they are covered for when purchasing their insurance product. Viva is not responsible for decisions made by client in regard to travel insurance (ie. not buying the right coverage, not buying enough coverage or thinking they were covered by their credit card company or their employer), including personal risk, financial loss or claim denial.

Client is responsible for ensuring they are eligible to purchase medical insurance prior to booking their travel to avoid unexpected costs or complications. Client should be aware that certain pre-existing conditions may make it more difficult to get coverage and/or may be at a higher cost.

Clients interested in purchasing travel insurance can discuss options with their travel agent.


For travel outside Canada, client is responsible to have or obtain a valid passport prior to travel and the expiry date of the passport must be more than 6 months after the return date of their travel. If a client has dual citizenship, they must advise their travel agent before booking as to which passport they will be using. Visa is not responsible to provide advice or guidance on entry eligibility into a country.

Client is responsible to obtain the appropriate travel Visas, if required by any country they will be visiting.

Client is responsible to meet any health requirement of the countries they are visiting, including vaccines and testing. Client should review country requirements at www.travel.gc.ca.

Client is responsible to have a valid driver&aposs license when renting a vehicle.

Client is responsible for required paperwork when travelling with children when both parents or guardians are not travelling. Client will refer to the Government of Canada&aposs - Children and Travel website.

Viva is not responsible for the consequences and costs of clients not having the proper documentation to travel.

Risk of Travel

Travelling comes with risk and certain countries have more risk than others. Client is responsible to be aware of the risks of the countries they choose to visit, as well as understand and obey the laws of those countries. Clients is responsible to read the Government of Canada&aposs Travel Advice and Advisories. Viva is not responsible for any incidents, accidents, arrests, injuries, deaths or events outside their control that may happen to client.

Some countries may refuse entry to individuals with a criminal records. Client is responsible to understand the country&aposs entry laws and to know if anyone in their group has a criminal record. Viva does not enquire about client&aposs criminal record for privacy reasons and as such, is not responsible for denied entry and resulting costs.

Viva encourages client to review the Government of Canada&aposs Travel and Tourism site.

Cancellation and Changes

Client must make changes or cancellations to their booking through Viva and not directly with the supplier. Changes and cancellations will be subject to applicable penalties and fees as per the terms and conditions of the supplier and charges as per the service fee agreement for non-packaged travel.

The supplier may cancel your booking if your payment (deposit or final) is not made by the due date. This may result in losing previous non-refundable deposits. Your travel agent will advise you when payments are due.

No refunds will apply to any cancelled, unused or partially used travel products or services. Client must ensure to have adequate travel insurance for emergencies and unplanned events.

Privacy and Personal Information

Viva respects client privacy and makes every possible effort to protect personal information. All communication with Viva remains confidential. Viva does not share or sell personal information to any third parties.

Viva only uses client information for the purpose of completing the booking with the chosen supplier, making payments and invoicing client.

Viva works with trusted suppliers; however, Viva is not responsible for loss or theft of personal information from a supplier.

Environmental Events

Viva is not responsible for travel cancellations, delays, risks, or costs related to environmental events affecting travel. These include, but not limited to, storms (snow, rain, wind), floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, or any other natural environmental event.

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